Post-Program Reflections: How Participants Incorporate Negotiation into Their Everyday Lives


We follow up with our program participants six or more months after they complete our program and ask them about how they have incorporated negotiation into their everyday lives. Following are some of their responses.



How did you use negotiation strategies to get a job?

"I negotiated my rate of pay with my boss until we reached an agreement that was fair."

– Georgia, 38, Friends of Guest House

“I was open minded to a position I've never worked before, and we were able to come to an agreement for me to give it a try to see how it went.”

– Shelly, 36, Together We Bake

How have you used negotiation strategies in your close relationships?

“When my father died, there were a lot of negotiations about how to handle the obituary, services, items left behind, etc. And no fights or arguments!”

– Casie, 45, Calvary Women’s Services

“I’ve learned to establish and have a voice. Gaining respect and stating my needs lets others know that I know about myself, and they do whatever they can to help.”

– Chelsee, 27, Together We Bake

“I had to keep working at the relationship with all my sisters, and the class helped me be more calm and understanding.”

– Angela, 51, Calvary Women’s Services

How have you used negotiation strategies in your home life?

"At home, we negotiate everything from food to who will use the shower first."

– “Denise,” Southeast Ministry

How have you otherwise used negotiation strategies in your life?:

“I have managed to be successful in all areas of my life because of taking negotiation skills.”

– “Sondra”, 41, Calvary Women’s Services

“I listen and give the other person a chance to say what they want to say.”

– Kia, Together We Bake, 43